

Photo of Microbiome installation by Luther Thie

Bedtime Stories for Oankali, 2023-24

An otherworldly art installation that captures the intricate and profound relationship between alien and human. Drawing inspiration from the legacy of Octavia Butler's visionary Oankali, creatures renowned for their symbiotic and transformative interactions with other species, this installation invites viewers to ponder the complexities of coexistence, transformation, and survival.

Bonnie Drones, 2024

These pieces hover in space as if they are a biological medical apparatuses ready to administer care.

Happy to See You, 2024

A playful piece inspired by 2 GenAI pieces, could become a forest installation for participants to wander through.

Dummy 2013 / 2024

Dummy 2013 is an interactive installation for participants to act out on their emotions. The soft sculpture is made of stuffed canvas, felt, socks and a baseball cap and is attached to ropes and pulleys to allow it to be raised, lowered and flung against the walls and floor. Dummy 2024 is the next iteration inspired by feeding images into generative AI and being inspired to make some of these IRL.


Albatross2, 2025

Description for gallery thumbnail ( Portfolio Gallery )

Human Horizon, 2024

Human Horizon, 2024 print from 2 Generative AI images based on Candy and Oankali sculptures, 48" x 24"

Organoid Latent Space, 2024

Series of generative AI images from Oankali sculpture images. This set of images is a small sampling of images generated in August 2024, a few months after discovering the vast potential of generative AI as a creative partner. A few of these were used as inspiration for Alabatross sculpture.


Albatross, 2024

This work is part of a series working in partnership with artificial intelligence. It can be seen as a bird in flight, or a creature regurgitating after being pulled from a medical apparatus. The title is associated with its cultural meaning of good luck that becomes a burden – how working with artificial intelligence opens exponential power and yet leads to questioning one’s creative agency.

Orifice Oracle, 2024

The inspiration for this stuffed fabric sculpture comes from generative AI images for the Human Horizon series produced via image prompts of my sculpture Bedtime Stories for Oankali. Oankali are alien creatures in Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis novels that interbreed with humans. This piece thereby evokes an opening to a hybrid relationship with alien intelligence both in its form and its process of becoming.

Candy, 2024

Hanging mobiles included in the Oankali series but also can be displayed by themselves. 2 variations; stockings, inflated balls, synthetic hair and fur, marbles, string, thread

Becoming Invertebrate, 2023

Becoming Invertebrate, 2023-24

Stuffed nylons, synthetic fur, yarn, thread; 6' x 2' x 1' dimensions variable

Photo of sculpture Fermentation Rig by Luther Thie

Fermentation Rig, 2023

A soft sculpture with a somewhat haphazard vibe to it, perhaps made from discarded materials. Hanging threads from hand stitches contrast the machined pantyhose sheerness. Balloons have been forced through the hosiery causing runs that have a pathetic yet hopeful “making-do” quality. The beans form hanging sacs that pull down. The sacs are covered in epoxy that has dripped into congealed tips. All this was done spontaneously working through how the materials spoke to me and behaved when manipulated. Only later did I invent this story of an apparatus for protein synthesis via fermentation that led to the name of this piece.

Attendant 2, 2023

Attendant, 2023

A spider-like form was created by stretching pantyhose over balloons and adding synthetic fur. Simple yet elegant, the soft sculpture’s curves and transparent mesh create a sensuous wildness, possibly of an android nature. It could be a trained attendant, keeping watch over a laboratory environment. For this proposal, it is intended to hang above the viewer on the ceiling and walls. Its legs can be stretched to fit various spaces depending on site. 6' x 7' x 7' approximately

Sexy Beast, 2023

Are You My Mommy, 2023

Bold, empowered, unafraid, a soft sculpture juts from the wall, reaching out with its fur-tipped breast-like appendages. Evoking sensuality along its elegant curves, it coyly hides nipples created from twisted pantyhose. The crotch of the pantyhose stands out, calling attention to an anthro beginning whereas its shroud of hair brings to mind something else, something wild.

photo of artwork "Is it Over Yet?" 2019, ink on drumhead, by Luther Thie

Drumhead Paintings, 2019

Series of ink drop paintings on drum heads.

LA Interchange, 2010

LA Interchange: a Proposal for a California Highway Victims Memorial Park is a site-specific public art project that proposes a real-time memorial at the intersection of downtown Los Angeles freeways.

Tilted Pole, 2008

Tilted Pole, 2008

Tilted Pole, 2008; installation at Art Engine, San Francisco, CA; telephone pole, wire, conduit, glass insulators, approx. 35' x 18' x 12'

Acclair Art Valuation Service, 2013

Acclair is a design research collaboration between Eyal Fried & Luther Thie, who met at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy. Acclair has been developing “neuro-aware” environments since 2004, its first iteration being a speculative design installation using a fake brain-scanning prop to convince users their brains were being scanned while going through a highly invasive airport security clearance.