Sexy Beast, 2023; pantyhose, balloons, synthetic fur, thread; dimensions variable, approx. 27" x 25" x 15"
Bold, empowered, unafraid, a soft sculpture juts from the wall, reaching out with its fur-tipped breast-like appendages. Evoking sensuality along its elegant curves, it coyly hides nipples created from twisted pantyhose. The crotch of the pantyhose stands out, calling attention to an anthro beginning whereas its shroud of hair brings to mind something else, something wild.

Sexy Beast, 2023; pantyhose, balloons, synthetic fur, thread; dimensions variable, approx. 27" x 25" x 15"

Sexy Beast, 2023; pantyhose, balloons, synthetic fur, thread; dimensions variable, approx. 27" x 25" x 15"

Sexy Beast (detail), 2023