Albatross, 2024; stuffed fabric, stocking, yarn, surgical tubing, finger bandaging, wire, 42" x 42" x 10"
This work is part of a series working in partnership with artificial intelligence. It can be seen as a bird in flight, or a creature regurgitating after being pulled from a medical apparatus. The title is associated with its cultural meaning of good luck that becomes a burden – how working with artificial intelligence opens exponential power and yet leads to questioning one’s creative agency. Inspired by GenAI images generated from image prompts of Oankali sculptures.

Albatross IRL (detail), 2024

Oankali sculpture to Generative AI image to sculpture process chart

Generative AI image to sculpture in progress image to new GenAI image. I am fascinated by the evolution of my sculpture by using the immensity of patterns that the AI brings to my "studio". It essentially allows me to generate a myriad of options just like a large studio practice. Now, my own slow (natural?) production in real life is holding up the evolution. In this way, getting involved in this small way with AI mirrors what is happening in our society widely -- humans will not be able to keep up with AI and some will let it take over. Do I now want a sewing robot to speed up my production. Or at least a grant to hire human assistants...lol.